Meet Rick

Hello and thanks for taking some time to check out my blog.

I built this site because I wanted to share some conversations that don’t always fit neatly into client meetings. I’m aware that my audience might be more than my friends, family, and existing clients and I’m glad to have the rest of you check out my “style” without having to visit me in the office.

Here’s my story…

  • Grew up on the East Coast just a few miles from the town my ancestors founded in 1639. Got my first shares of GM stock from my paternal grandmother at age 14.
  • Dropped out of college to work in an energy conservation start-up which we grew to over 200 employees in seven states in the first three years.
  • Started working for a big bank in the mid-80s as part of the decision-making process for commercial real estate holdings. In 1989 I was recruited by BofA in San Francisco to do the same and moved to SF.
  • In the mid-90s I started helping very conservative bank customers with their investment portfolios and quickly discovered that I “served two masters”…there was a conflict of interest between my corporate employer and my investment clients.
  • In 2003 I realized that the conflict of interest seldom ended well for the client so I left a very lucrative corporate position to start Marin Wealth Management dedicated to serving the best interests of my very conservative clientele.
  • Despite our tremendous success managing low risk portfolios for our clients, in 2010, I founded Dow Rockwell to provide my clients even more safety by including guaranteed investment solutions that are completely free of market risk.
  • Today my work focuses on retirement income planning for very conservative clients using both traditional investment and insurance strategies to create retirement plans that work…even in the most difficult times.
  • On a personal note, I met my beautiful wife in 2009 and married her on the Winter Solstice in 2010. Our daughter, Faye, was born in 2012 and I am a doting father and husband.
  • One more personal note. Before Faye was born my wife and I had four dogs that were our “babies”. They come to work with me every day so don’t be surprised when a pack of Shihtzus greet you at the door.

Why a blog?

Simply…because I have a lot to say. You’ll understand that when we meet or talk on the phone and as I said above, not all of it fits neatly into a client meeting. Besides, it’s a great way to get to know someone…virtually.